1st February - 8th March 2025




Récital en hommage à Nadia Boulanger
et à la princesse Winnaretta Singer-Polignac
6th February 2025




26th February 2025




The Birth of Venice
12nd January 2024




ll Flusso Permanente / A Constant Flow
4th - 22nd February 2024



CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES - 400 ans d'histoire
22nd - 25th February 2024

Event Program
Concert Program


Exhibition Les chevaux de Bartabas
24th February - 5th March 2024




Amazons of Versailles / Power with Grace
5th March 2024




8th March 2024

Press release


Marcel Proust et la musique
21st March 2024




25th March - 7th April 2024



The Venice Glass Week
16th September 2024

Invitation Glas Week 
Invitation NATURE/AL



12nd and 19th October 2024




31st October - 1st November 2024



Week-end Musicale
2nd and 3rd November 2024




21st - 22nd November 2024




Weekend Cinéma - Concert SNOW
6th - 8th December 2024




Christmas Matinée Concert
15th December 2024




15th December - 4th January 2024




NEW YEAR'S Eve matinée concert
31st December 2024

Invitation and Program



Exhibition VERT - ORANGE
14th of January 2023



20th January 2023


Week-end Musical
21st - 22nd January 2023




Glass Creatures
14th February 2023



16th February 2023




Marie-Antoinette, femme mythique
3rd, 4th, 5th of March 2023




13rd - 23rd March 2023

Press release


Fashion Designers at the Opera
24th March 2023


Exhibition Serge d'Urach
4.01.22 - 14.02.2022




Pierre Arizzoli-Clémentel
del "Bal du siècle" di Carlos de Beistegui, 3 settembre 1951
e del suo libro "Palazzo Labia, Venise"
19 February 2022



Conference Marie Antonietta
18th, 19th and 24th February 2022




Presentation Film Vivaldi
18th February 2022



Fashion Week 
25th March 2022




Exhibition PRÉSENCE
the art of Claudine Drai
a 3D installation by Wim Wenders
20th May - 15th August 2022




The Venice Design Week
1th - 9th October 2022

Invitation Impressioni Luminose
Opening Venice Design Week



Invisible Goddess 
24 - 27th November 2022

Find out more!



REVELATIONIS by Claudia Alessi
3rd December 2022

Press release


Proust: Letteratura, Danza e Musica 
9th - 12nd December 2022




New Year's Concert 
31st December 2022

Invitation Program


Gianne de Genevraye 
April 29th - May 22nd, 2021




A Venezia si danza
19.07.21 - 31.07.21




Japan in Venezia 
13 - 29 August 2021




Glass Week 
4 - 12 September 2021

Invitation Glass Week
Invitation Fragilite


Hugh Findletar
Lucia Vallejo Garay


Venice Design Week
10 October 2021



Conference Pondicherry 
10 - 30 November 2021




Weekend Musicale
13 November 2021




New Year's Concert
31st December 2021



Casa della parola 2020




Glass Week 
10 - 13 September 2020




Venice Fashion Week
22 - 31 October 2020

Press release


New Year's Concert
31 December 2019

Concert Program


Le Lion de Venise - entre Orient et Occident
7 December 2019

Le Lion de Venise : entre Orient et Occident


Weekend Musical
30 November 2019 - 01 December 2019

Dimanche 1er décembre
Richard Wagner et Winnaretta Singer


Rougemont Totem
19 October - 01 December 2019


Venice Fashion Week
17 - 25 October 2019



22 August 2019 – 12 October 2019



Japanese Tea Ceremony
29 August 2019

Ceremonia del Te, Aldo Tollini
Japanese Tea Ceremony


Biennale Arte 2020 - Gunther Förg
11 May - 23 August 2019

FÖRG in Venice
Press Release
Works list


Marco Rapetti
9 March 2019

Programma Concerto


Barbara Strozzi Concert
3 March 2019



Carnavale - Isadore Duncan Institute
1 March 2019

Invitation - English
Invitation - French


Rhinoceros and the art of the 20th Century
15 December 2018

Rhinocéros (La nouvelle)



Venice and the Rhino
Rhinoceros la Nouvelle , Eugene Ionesco For the students of Ca Foscari University
13 December 2018


Rhinoceros: Luxury’s Fragile Frontier
An exhibition and symposium at the Magazzino Gallery, Palazzo Polignac
24 November – 21 December 2018

This exhibition and accompanying symposium brings together two unlikely companions: the rhinoceros and the city of Venice. It seeks to highlight and interrogate the consequences of luxury consumption on an endangered beast and an endangered city.

Perhaps surprisingly, this ancient mammal and this shimmering city have a curiously entwined history and current predicament. The rhinoceros is represented in one of Venice’s most ancient mosaics, and an eighteenth-century touring rhinoceros called Clara is famously depicted by Pietro Longhi, one of the city’s great artists. The rhinoceros is the oldest living mammal on earth, and Venice was the longest-lived republic.  A world without rhinos and a world without Venice is unimaginable. And yet both Venice and the Rhinoceros have become victims of their desirability and objectification as luxury objects – both consumed without discrimination by an ever-expanding consumer class. The horn of the rhino, made of intrinsically worthless keratin, has become one of the world’s most costly luxury objects; an unlikely symbol of status and prestige in a primarily Asian market. Every eight hours a rhinoceros is killed to satisfy demand. A weighty beast which has roamed the earth for 50 million years, now faces the very real danger of extinction. The city of Venice is now overwhelmed each year by a mass tourist market of 30 million people. Every day an average of 60,000 tourists descend on a city with a population of only 54,000. The effects on the delicately balanced eco systems of the lagoon, and of the city are palpable and have reached a critical level.

In November 2018, an international collaboration of artists, conservationists, poets, writers, and historians, will explore the paradoxical magnificence and fragility of both Venice and of the Rhinoceros. In a combined symposium and exhibition, they will reveal the surprisingly recent and artificial construction of rhino horn as a unique object of desire, and the confection of legends and pseudo-historical rituals that accompany the trend for its consumption by business leaders at the highest level. And they will unravel the complex threads involved in the mass tourism market of Venice with its destructive consequences on one of the world’s most beautiful of cities.

Inspiration for the event comes from the artistic oeuvres of Venetian artist Gigi Bon and her Studio d’Arte Mirabilia who has long seen a connection between the rhino and Venice, and of Taiwanese artist Shih Li-Jen and his King Kong Rhino exhibition (featured in both the Venice Art Biennale 2017 and the current Venice Architectural Biennale 2017). Both Bon and Li-Jen are joined by the English-born Australian conservationist Lynn Johnson and her ‘demand-reduction’ campaigns in Vietnam and elsewhere. Johnson is the founder of ‘Nature Needs More’. The exhibition and symposium are tied together thematically by the work of Melbourne historian Catherine Kovesi on the longue durée of Luxury and the effects of uncoupling consumption from ethical constraints.



Week-end Musical 2018
10-11 November 2018 




The Venice Glass Week
9- 16 September 2018

Exhibition : "Un très beau Mariage" of Enrica Rocca and Aristide Najean
from 9 to 16th of September 2018 at the concept store of the palazzo ( 872 dorsoduro 30123 Venice)
visiting hours: 11 am to 7 pm
Inauguration event : 11 September 2018 from 7 pm to 9 pm

Exhibition : "41X" of Feleksan Onar
from 9 to 16h of September 2018 at the magazzino gallery of the palazzo (874 dorsoduro 30123 Venice )
Visiting hours : 11 am to 6 pm
Inauguration event : 13 September 2018
Glass Conference : "Murano -Istanbul:a glass making journey" from 3 to 6 pm (simultaneous translation in English and Italian), please see the content in attachment.
Opening Cocktail and visit of the exhibition 6 pm to 9 pm at Palazzo Polignac courtyard

RSVP to Nicole Boldin : edmondavenise@yahoo.com

Invitation Concept Store
Invitation Un Tres Beau Mariage
Invitation 41X
Conference 41X Info - English
Conference 41X Info - Italiano


Silent movie screening
Métropolis of Fritz Lang

25 May 2018


Isadora Duncan - Venice Carnival
9 February 2018





Proust week-end
15 - 16 December 2017




Melbourne University
November - December 2017


Weekend Musical
11 - 12 November 2017

Week-end Musical


Glass Week at Palazzo Polignac Maria Grazia Rosin & ...
12 -13 September 2017

Maria Grazia Rosin Bio

Palazzo Polignac is proud to participate with 2 exhibitions to the first Glass Week event organized 10-17 September 2017 in Venice . Opening days : 12 -13 September 2017 from 9 to 6 PM Address : Palazzo Contarini Polignac 874 Dorsoduro 30123 Venice contact : palazzocontarinipolignac@yahoo.com



Japanese tea ceremony at Palazzo Polignac Magazzino
27-28 august 2017 from 6:30 PM to 8 PM

Ceremony Video
Appunti del Cha no yu



Merveilleuse soirée et such a delightful experience in the glorious presence of the master Toru Ota san (remerciez-le aussi vivement de ma part, ainsi que ses assistants). Je suis encore sous le charme de ce fabuleux rituel qui semblait tirer parti des circonstances exceptionnelles du moment, les reflets du Grand Canal sous un ciel orageux, l'écho des vagues qui heurtaient les pierres du palais, les courants d'air, les ombres aussi, bien sûr, comme le maître l'a lui-même souligné en évoquant Tanizaki, pour créer cette atmosphère si raffinée et si tamisée où irradiait le sage et subtil arrangement du tokonoma. Ce qui me frappe le plus, avec le recul d'une nuit, c'est l'harmonie dont semblaient participer toutes ces choses, et la manière dont vous avez si minutieusement et si respectueusement – si japonaisement – enchâssé ce fragment de Japon dans l'un des plus beaux palais de Venise, pareil à un écrin conçu pour le recevoir.

Bravo encore, et merci, je n'oublierai pas cet heureux moment qui m'emplit encore, ce matin, de bienveillance et de reconnaissance.

Avec ma plus vive amitié,




Round Table - shooting of Aspern Papers of Henry James
3rd August 2017

Invitation Jeudi 3 Aout
Pavans Aspern
Parker - James and Ruskin, Venice


Biennale: Future Generation Art Prize 2017
12 May to 13 August 2017



Venice Music Project - cocktail of the inauguration concert of the 2017 Season
2 April 2017


Biennale architettura 2016


17 september 2016


Venitian Center for Baroque Music
12 october 2016

Aldiviva Licante, the fashionable Vivaldi
Wednesday 12 october - 20.30
Carlotta Gomiero, soprano; Nicola Lamon, harpsichord
A duel between Benedetto Marcello and Antonio Vivaldi

B.Marcello, Cantata a voce sola: Al suo Tirsi geloso”
A. Vivaldi, Non ti lusinghi la crudeltade (from the opera Tito Manlio)
B.Marcello (trascrizione di J.S. Bach), Concerto op.1,nr.2 in Do minore
A. Vivaldi, Usignoletto bello che sul ramoscello RV 796
B. Marcello, Variationi, o Partite per il Cembalo ò Organo
A.Vivaldi, Vedrò con mio diletto (from the oepra Giustino)
B.Marcello, O Signor chi sarà mai


Week-end musical
5-6 November 2016

Week-end Musical 2016




Concert Premio Venezia: Elena Nefedova
26 November 2016

Concert Premio Venezia 2016


Ciné Concert
3-4 Décembre 2016



November - December 2015
Melbourne University study abroad program


Week-end musical
7-8 November 2015

 A Life in Music 

Dr. Sylvia Kahan, Professor of Musicology, City University of New York; author, Music's Modern Muse: A Life of Winnaretta Singer, Princesse de Polignac

The magnificent room in which we find ourselves, here in the Palazzo Polignac, has a hallowed past, one that echoes through the history of twentieth-century music.  For it was here that Winnaretta Singer, Princesse de Polignac, held her summer salon, and where so many of Europe's great artists performed new works by emerging composers and where violin concertos by Vivaldi hidden for more than a century in obscure libraries were heard for the first time in the twentieth century.

Combine first and second paragraphs -- no space in between.

The owner of the palazzo, Winnaretta Singer, dedicated her life to perpetuation of music.  For her it was a psychological necessity.  Equally imperative was annual refuge from the hustle and bustle of Paris life, and she found it here, in the magnificent edifice, where the effervescent sounds of Bach and Stravinsky were accompanied by the gentle movement of the Canale Grande. 

Much of Winnaretta Singer-Polignac's musical activity was generated with the intent of honoring the memory of her beloved husband, Prince Edmond de Polignac (1834-1901), himself a composer, for whom the palazzo was purchased as a birthday present in 1900.  The couple had [remove alas,] little opportunity to enjoy their Venice life together before illness brought the prince's life to an end in August 1901.  Prince Edmond had been a creator of daring works using alternative scales, and it was his innovative and forward-thinking approach to composition that inspired Winnaretta to perpetuate new music for the rest of her life.  Newness, in general, was one of the things that Winnaretta valued most.  In 1904, she renovated her Paris mansion, creating a music room large enough to comfortably accommodate a chamber orchestra and 200 guests. The large living room of 43 Avenue Henri Martin was reserved for major orchestras and renowned artists, while the atelier of the rue Cortambert offered street concerts with organ accompaniment and more intimate musical evenings. Meanwhile, the salon of the Princess de Polignac reflected the thriving artistic activity of his time. A dozen times a year, artists and aristocrats would gather for a sumptuous dinner and then they went into the music room to enjoy a wonderful musical event. The princess became "Tante Winnie" and it was an honor to maintain a level of excellence that her friends were invited to share, not for their social status or wealth, but for their talents or, more importantly, their love for music.


During World War I, Winnaretta began a project of commissioning works by young composers, such as Stravinsky, Poulenc, Satie, Falla, Milhaud, and Weill, among others. [removetravinsky: Renard dir. Pierre Boulez (part I).] She used the Singer Sewing Machine fortune to promote modern French music, building up a repertoire of nearly twenty commissioned works, most of which had their first performances in her salons, and which are still in the active repertoire today. Winnaretta spent a part of every year in Venice, where she welcomed musicians from every corner of Europe. During her [removelong] stays during the summer and autumn months, she hosted musical gatherings that became as renowned as those held in her Paris salons. Pianists Clara Haskil and Renata Borgatti and violinist Olga Rudge (Ezra Pound's lover) performed there so frequently that they were practically "house musicians." Diaghilev and Cole Porter were regulars, as were members of Les Six. Arthur Rubinstein spent his honeymoon at the Palazzo Polignac. Toscanini was often in attendance at the musical gatherings; after the concerts, he would go to the kitchen to help prepare the spaghetti. Vladimir Horowitz lived there for a number of years, and he and Winnaretta became close friends.

Winnaretta was also influential in making sure that the works of French composers whom she patronized were given places in the summer festivals. Combine this sentence with the next paragraph: She was the honorary president of the International Festival of Music of the 1932 Venice Biennale, and it was thus that Poulenc's Two-Piano Concerto and Falla's El Retablo de Maese Pedro were featured at the Festival. Stravinsky wrote Winnaretta a Piano Sonata as a "thank you" for her support, and that work, too, was premiered in Venice, in 1925.

Winnaretta's annual visits to the palazzo were cut short by the advent of World War II.  She died in London during the Blitz, in November 1943.  But her memory lives on in the palazzo's halls.  Today, her family honors her by filling those halls, once again, with beautiful music.


Sylvia Kahan: Book presentation at Alliance Française de Venise
6 November 18:30


concert japonaisme "tobira"

20 October 2015


Société pour un nouveau japonisme
Site en Français

Site en Japonais

http://www.duo-ykeda.com http://www.festival-entre2mers.com



Doug Argue ‘Scattered Rhymes” Exhibition
5 April-30 September 2015

Doug Argue: Scattered Rhymes - My Art Guides



La biennale di Venezia 2015 - Dansaekhwa
8 may 2015 - 15 August 2015
DANSAEKHWA_Collateral Event of the 56th Venice Biennale




The Minute of Love
14 February 2015 at 1:01 PM

After a first success at the Louvre Museum in 2014, the Art Performance and the official launch of « The Minute of Love » took place on Saturday Feb 14 2015 at 1:01 PM.



Food Blogger’s Workshop
8-12 January 2015

A three-day creative gathering with participants drawn from across the world, exploring food and Venetian culture through photography, writing and hands-on experience in the kitchen making, amongst other dishes, traditional Venetian pasta (bigoli) and sweets ('dolci’).




Hommage à Winnaretta
29 novembre 2014




Venitian Center for Baroque Music
28 september 2014
A rotta di collo,ossia il Barocco acrobatico Concerto spettacolo on the traces of Buster Keaton Le Poème Harmonique

Monteverdi Vivaldi festival 2014 Il clavicembalo alla veneziana
Lieu : Palazzo Contarini Polignac
Rinaldo Alessandrini : clavecin
Musique de Vivaldi, Bach, B. Marcello, Storace, F. Couperin, Rameau



Guggenheim Circle Gala Dinner
14 june 2014


Photography: Francesca Bottazzin



Save Venice dinner
8 june 2014


Photography: Darryl Nitke



Venitian Center for Baroque Music
20 september 2013



Save Venice, Board Member's Cocktail
25 august 2013



La Fenice Summer Festival
22 july 2013



54th Venice Biennale - Future Generation Art Prize
june-september 2013



Biennale 2013